Uncle Bill’s Music and HubCityMusic.com present the first annual West Texas Folk Festival to be held on Thursday through Saturday, November 8, 9, and 10 at Uncle Bill’s Music Barn.
Each night the Festival will feature a guest host plus a lineup of performing artists. Tickets each night will be $15.00 and proceeds will be given to the performers.
Hosts for each evening will be as follows:
Thursday, November 8th–Mike Pritchard
Friday, November 9th–Chris Smith
Saturday, November 10th–Cary Banks
Gates will open at 6:00pm for Meet and Greet. The concerts will begin at 7:00pm and end at 10:00pm.
The Festival Committee will be presenting awards for the weekend’s best performances. Categories include: Best Original Song, Best Individual Performance, Best Group Performance, Best Instrumental Performance, Best Vocal Performance and Best Overall Entertainer.
For ticket information and to join our mailing list, please email unclebillslbk@hotmail.com.
Tickets will also be on sale at Ralphs Records . (A limited number of student tickets will be on sale at Ralphs for $5.00)