“He’s rockin’- a definite two thumbs up!” – Sir Paul McCartney
If you missed Washuntara in his HubCityMusic.com house concert on Nov.17th, you missed a great time!
But don’t despair – We have an opportunity to bring Washuntara back for an encore concert on Saturday February 23rd!
Washuntara has enjoyed phenomenal success in his home country of Australia, with a #2 hit, as well as critical and popular acclaim in Europe and Asia. He has shared the stage with Paul McCartney, The Eagles, Jerry Lee Lewis, the Moody Blues, and many more. Now he is bringing his music and philosophy to the United States, and we are amazed and honored that he would want to bless us with a private concert in our own living room here in Lubbock.
More than just a musician, Washuntara brings a message of love, peace, hope, caring, and sharing, through music, poetry, and philosophy. His is not a religious message, but you cannot help but be influenced to be a better person by his contagious enthusiasm for all things good and true.
All expectations were exceeded as Washuntara was a great storyteller, as well as personally engaging everyone who was there. By the end of the evening, we were all hooked on Washuntara’s loving personality! Here’s what one concert-attendee wrote afterward: “Last night Jack, Dusti, Chad, and I attended the most amazing concert I’ve EVER seen!! Washuntara performed a house concert at Paul Johnson’s that completely blew me away. His message of peace, love, and kindness is SO powerful and it touched me so deeply I just have to share it with you guys! Go to his website at washuntara.com and listen to his music and message! You’ll be hooked, too! Peace and Love to All Ya’ll!” – Marti Dillon
So go to his website, or browse the links below. We are sure you will want love Washuntara’s music and his message.
“Introducing Washuntara” video:
Here’s a poem and a new song from his “September Gift” video:
Here is his October video update, mentioning his upcoming HubCityMusic.com house concert, along with a sneak preview of his newest song, “I Will Not Be Silenced”:
Here’s the first song of Washuntara’s that I ever heard. This is the song that prompted me to invite him to come to Lubbock.
For more information, go to Washuntara’s website: http://www.washuntara.com
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